Hi all x Todays post is a little different and more interactive I guess but its somethings I've been putting together over the past few weeks to showcase my works across a whole platform of mediums. Basically adobe came out with a new portfolio creating program and after wanting/needing to make a portfolio for a while I thought I would try it out and put together a bomb site to share all the works i have done throughout the past couple of months and years. The works include design and branding solutions from uni projects, illustrations both personal and otherwise, as well as photography, beauty and styling for here on the blog and elsewhere. I thought for todays post I could link you guys over there and let you take a wander at what I've been up to with some projects you haven't and have been aware of. Let me know if there are any projects you particularly like and if you dig the whole portfolio idea all together, also I'm still updating it with new and past completed stuff so check back now and then. Hope you guys enjoy x M
- my portfolio -
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