# I'mthatLovePaperKindaGirl ?

# ImthatLovePaperKindaGirl ? ...what?
Trying to intertwine titles is not my best suite :) 

The whole last couple of months that I've been so lucky to have off, have gone so gently by, like the pages of a good novel that is being read by an avid book enthusiast. I love a good book, I'm not the most profound reader (it takes me forever to finish a page), yet I revel in the fantasy and story of an amazing novel and with that and a whole load of spare time on my hands, Ive distinguished a small lists of books I'd love to get stuck into. So here are four books slightly different yet most apparently prioritised as 'biographical', for you to check out and please if you've had the chance to read them give me a review..... but please don't spoil the ending!

1. Paper Towns by John Green; the odd one out compared to the rest yet still on the top of my list. John Green is not only a dedicated youtuber who I believe is absolutely profound at what he does with thoughts that could change the world, but an avid story teller with an abundance of memories and imagination. After loving The Fault in Our Stars and An abundance of Kathrines both by Green I'm excited to delve into this bad boy and gear myself up for the film portrayal of the book starring the one and only Cara Delevingne... who's excited?  BUY here.

2. Not That Kind of Girl by Lena Dunham; star of 'Girls' and a known witty character. This book or c'collection of Essay' as described, has been on my list of books to read since it was released, with its gorgeous cover, witty title and raving reviews I feel like I need to read a book like this, one apparent with real life, real problems and real humour... and I can't wait! BUY here.

3. Love Tanya by Tanya Burr; my virtual friend and makeup teacher who I absolutely adore. Not only is she absolutely gorgeous with an amazing sense of style and an always flawless application of makeup, Love Tanya has is a hearty book ready to be in my arms. A collection of thoughts inspired by her journey through youtube and the blogosphere alongside personal stories, life lessons and tips on all things beauty and fashion I really can't wait to get my hands on this and learn from the beautiful person I've come to know through video after video... everyone needs to know a little of what Tanya knows, am I right? BUY here.

4. #GirlBoss by Sophia Amoruso; the founder, CEO and creative director of Nasty Gal (a totally talented and beyond gorgeous woman, might I add). A tell all tale and biographical novel all about the journey a young women has taken to rise above and beyond to become one of the most successful women in the business. Who wouldn't want to read about that? A totally empowering story that I desire to delve into and pick up all the tips I can, everyone wants to be successful and a story like this tells the tale of someone who took what they had to make it, desirable, intriguing and helpful ... just what I like. BUY here.


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